How we launched into Full0time travel It began a few years back, when my husband and I took some time to reflect on our families, our careers, our finances, and most importantly, on how we were living.
We realized that what we were lacking in our everyday lives was freedom.
Freedom from our possessions. Freedom to travel. Freedom to spend more time with our loved ones and be truly present with them. Freedom to experience new adventures with our children. It was actually a simple concept we were chasing, but a complicated process. We just wanted to be together more as a family, live fully, without the boundaries of work and possessions keeping us rooted in one place.
The first steps began with some very difficult questions and obstacles, money and possessions being the biggest and most overwhelming.
However, in a period of two extremely focused and intense years, we budgeted, paid off debt, saved money, purged our possessions, and reevaluated the necessities of our lives. We researched, planned, talked, and changed our minds over and over, until finally a clear plan started to take shape.
Getting there was not easy. But the rewards have been tremendous.
We are together now, every day. We live more simply, work from our home, educate our own children at home and on the road from an RV, and we are actually living on less money than before. We have the freedom to be wherever we want to be.
So, the short story of “how we got here” is this:
1. We paid off our personal debt
2. We saved as much money as possible
3. We sold or donated about 75% of our possessions
4. We rented out our home
5. We took the boys out of school and began homeschooling
6. We began telecommuting to work
7. We paid outright for a used motor home and bought a “tow-able” vehicle to allow for travel
8. We hit the road and began living life on our own terms, building our dream life, and molding work and school to fit the dream.
The reason we are sharing our story isn’t only to document our travels and adventures. We are very passionate about our journey, and the ways in which it has changed our lives.
Our hope is that we can also inspire others to step out of their comfort zones, stop wishing and start working, planning, and achieving their dreams!
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Full-time Travel Resources:
For more Travel Inspiration:
To read about our RV Adventures, begin here.