As we left Avebury and wound our way toward the Cotswolds, we traveled skinny two lane roads surrounded by trees, barely enough room for one car to pass at a time. Sometimes the tour bus had to stop completely to allow a driver from the other direction to squeeze passed us.
We stopped for lunch in one of the oldest villages in the England, the Cotswold village of Lacock, with its wealth of beautiful old residences. Lacock has been the sight of many films and tv shows, including Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, and Downtown Abbey.
We wandered the stone streets, passing horseback riders, and our favorite feature of this quaint little town: handmade goods and home-baked treats. They were left on tables or in baskets at residents’ doorways, next to signs requesting you to kindly pay for your purchases through the mail slot of their homes!
The Lacock Abbey was the most significant sight of the Harry Potter movie, as it was the interior of Hogwarts School. We didn’t have time to tour the Abbey, however, there were two sights right in town that we were able to see briefly, Horace Slughorn’s House and Harry Potter’s parents house, as well as a shop containing Harry Potter memorabilia.
Our final stop brought us to a breathtaking little Cotswold Village, Castille Combe, with its narrow cobblestone streets, and pleasant stream weaving through the town. The name Cotswold means homes built out of large limestone.

The connecting homes up and down the Main Street were so cute, and it wasn’t surprising that it was also the site of many films, including the original Dr. DoLittle. The tour guide shared that most homes in the village cost between 0.5 – 3 million British pounds.

We wandered the streets, again entertained by the products for sale at people’s front doorway and the beautiful doorways themselves, and in awe of the beauty of this little Village.

We took the short walk to visit St. Andrew’s Church, with its crumbling cemetery and its medieval clock. It was such a tranquil little town!
The Medieval Clock Who can actually FIT inside this door?
This was the end of our time in central England, and it was an unforgettable experience.
Next stop: London.