The fourth day of our cruise was spent at sea, arriving in Glacier Bay early in the morning. Several park rangers entered our ship via a small boat at the entrance of the National Park. They stayed on to narrate the passage until early afternoon. The boys attended the kids club where a park ranger taught them all about what they were seeing out the windows of the cruise ship. They even earned their Junior Ranger badges as well.
This gave us time to ourselves to enjoy the experience as well. When the cruise ship arrived at the end of the Bay, the ship slowly circled multiple times so everyone had a chance to enjoy the main glacier. We watched as small pieces of the glacier slid off and crashed into the ocean. Then a larger piece fell and a boom like thunder surrounded us. We later realized that a large piece of ice separating from the glacier all at one time was a rare sighting.
Another game of chess and checkers was then in order. The boys did not care that the weather was a bit chilly, and enjoyed another evening at the pool and hot tub. A fantastic way to spend our day!